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Charleston Naval Weapons Station



Charleston, SC


GTA performed an Environmental Condition of Property (ECP) study of the Naval Weapons Station (NWS) located in Charleston, South Carolina. The ECP was prepared for Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast. The NWS encompassed approximately 17,000 acres and was occupied by missile assembly buildings, explosives storage bunkers, nuclear submarine training facilities, firing ranges, and various infrastructure and military support facilities. Portions of the property had supported military operations since the early 1900s.

As part of the Installation Restoration Program (IRP), the Navy has adopted the framework of RCRA for addressing areas of known or suspected management or disposal of hazardous waste. During the ECP, GTA identified 101 Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) and Areas of Concern (AOCs) related to former military activities and operations, some of which were currently identified under RCRA.

The remaining SWMUs and AOCs were primarily related to various former process and storage areas (e.g., munitions painting and disassembly, sandblasting, hazardous waste storage areas). GTA personnel observed the current condition of each of these areas as well as reviewed their environmental history. Approximately half of these units had a RCRA No Further Action (NFA) status and the remaining sites were in various stages of the RCRA Corrective Action process.

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