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Sweet Air Park


Baltimore County, MD


Provided construction observation and laboratory testing services during the development of the 30.6-acre park in Phoenix, Maryland. The development of the park included pavilions, picnic areas, athletic fields, restrooms, a walking trail, parking lot and SHA improvements. Services included observation and testing for stormwater management facilities, grading, topsoil, road fills, pavement sections, and concrete work. GTA performed laboratory testing of the soils, concrete, and asphalt materials used during construction.

Mass Grading: building pad, roads and parking lots, SWM embankments, segmental block retaining wall, and athletic fields.
Stormwater Management / Bio Retention Facilities: construction and conversion of multiple SWM quantity and quality facilities. Provided as-built certifications.
Pavement: on-site roads and parking lots.
MD SHA Pavement: shoulder expansions for access/decel lanes.
Soil Cement Recommendations: for on-site pavement subgrades.
Utility Trench Backfill: testing for storm drain conduit.
Foundations: new recreational building and SWM end walls and riser structures.
Cast-In-Place Concrete: Rec building foundations, SWM structures and curb.
Bituminous Concrete: on-site pavements and SHA improvements.
Laboratory Services: testing of soil, concrete, and asphalt.
Engineering Consultation: remediation of wet or unsuitable soils in pavement or fill areas.

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