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Access Midstream: Various Surface Stabilization Projects for Compressor Stations




GTA provided geotechnical testing and design for the surface stabilization of three compressor stations pads in Ohio: Archer station in Harrison County, Kilgore/Schoolcraft station in Carroll County, and Scio station in Harrison County. For the Kilgore/Schoolcraft and Scio stations, GTA provided surface stabilization design during the design phase of the project.  The stabilization options considered included an aggregate only surface, geogrid reinforced aggregate surface, and soil cement stabilized surface. The design was based on supporting various levels of traffic for light and heavy duty traffic. The assessment included soil laboratory testing and thickness design for each option.

For the Archer station, GTA was contracted, after the pad was built, due to rapid distress that occurred from heavy traffic. Poor surface drainage conditions contributed to the loss of soil strength, which resulted in deep instability and rutting of the pad surface. GTA performed test pits to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions and identify subgrade strength. GTA performed soil cement mix design testing to determine the approximate chemical mix required to stabilize the surface.  In addition, aggregate only and geogrid reinforced aggregate options were also considered to support the proposed traffic. The effects of poor surface drainage were considered on the development, design, and construction of the three proposed repair options.

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