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Honeygo Run Reclamation Center


Baltimore County, MD


GTA has installed groundwater monitoring wells and collected groundwater samples as part of a monitoring program. The sampling event included the collection of groundwater samples from 12 monitoring wells, the measurement of field parameters in each of the samples, and collecting groundwater elevation data from 17 wells. The samples were analyzed for a variety of analyses including VOCs and metals. The monitoring event included the collection and analysis of QA/QC samples. GTA prepared a summary report comparing the reported concentration of contaminants to appropriate standards. GTA also produced a groundwater contour map as part of the summary report.

GTA provided geotechnical services to evaluate the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions to facilitate the design of several rubble landfills at Honeygo Run Reclamation Center in White Marsh, Maryland. GTA also provided observation and testing services during construction. Services included field and laboratory testing of the embankment fill material, clay liner, stone drainage layer, and the high density polyethylene (HDPE) liner, well abandonment, foundation and steel inspection, and concrete testing.

GTA provided drilling for five observation wells to depths approaching 125 lf using mud rotary method and well development. Work also included well abandonment of residential wells approaching 325 lf in depth.

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