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Hyatt Place

Baltimore, MD
Awarded “Best in Real Estate – New Construction, Second Place,” 2016, by the Baltimore Business Journal.
GTA performed Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments at the site of the proposed Hyatt Place, a 150,000-SF, 208-room hotel with parking garage geared towards business travelers. Review of historical documentation including aerial photographs and fire insurance maps indicated that the site was historically used as a barrel and tin can factory, a lumber storage facility, a waste paper storage facility, and general warehouse usage. The building on-site has been demolished and is planned to be developed with a hotel, retail space at the ground floor, and a parking garage. Laboratory analysis of samples collected from the site reported elevated concentrations of total arsenic and lead concentrations, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and hexavalent chromium in soil. The historical documentation and site evaluations were submitted to Maryland’s Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP). A Response Action Plan (RAP) pursuant to the VCP was approved by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) to establish a proposed remedy for on-site contamination in conjunction with planned site development. The proposed remedy for soil includes the removal of hexavalent chromium-impacted soil, additional soil sampling to delineate hexavalent chromium impacts, removal and disposal of metals and petroleum-impacted soil, construction observation for correct RAP implementation, using appropriate construction observation, health and safety measures during the planned construction, notification to MDE prior to future excavation activities, and capping to prevent direct contact exposure. The proposed remedy for groundwater includes a deed restriction on the use of groundwater beneath the site for any purpose, construction observation for correct RAP implementation, health and safety measures during the planned construction, proper management of groundwater during dewatering activities (if necessary), and capping. The RAP implementation was completed, the RAP Closure Report was submitted to MDE, and a Certificate of Completion was received.
GTA also provided construction observation and testing service during construction.